The item you notice upon first glance is important, especially if the one you notice first is different than the one you are drawn to or the one you’d pick up. The message of one you notice first is what you’re subconsciously working through but may not be completely aware of. The message of one you are drawn to is what you are working through and are seeking validation. The message of the one you’d pick up is what resonates with you and your frequency. The purpose of intuition workouts is to strengthen your trust that you always pick what you need.

If you chose this card, your message is an acknowledgment that you’ve been blessed with many wonderful things in this lifetime, as well as some big challenges. Life hasn’t denied you in the past , you’ve been put on a course to learn from, and that may be painful. What’s important is to see through the pain of the past and look to the present. There are the many wonderful blessings you have that make your future brighter. See the wonderful people in your life that walk this journey with you. See all the beautiful things that you’ve worked towards and achieved. The medicine for you right now is to stack up all the little moments of joy, compassion, love and kindness you experience against the pain you feel. The pain that lingers is lingering for a reason. Battle it with your many blessings. There is something you are learning from this.
Orange Sapphire
If you chose this card, your message is to remember to treat yourself well. Nourishment and self love are required of you right now. This stone also holds the meaning to move yourself more into your body and less lost in your thoughts. Feel your sensory system with clearer connection. Hug someone. Feel textures. Cuddle a cat. Hold someone’s hand. Feel the beat of music. Get into your body with your sensory system. Intuition works much stronger when you are mentally present within your physical self and not lost in thoughts. Observation through your sensory system is one of your superpowers, but you have to be present within yourself in order for it to truly work.
If you chose this card, it’s reaffirming the number 2 card. Get yourself grounded and nourished. This card heavily is emphasizing that you need to seek out physical affection. Scartered thoughts and turbulent emotions will kick you in the ass if you don’t actively ground yourself and get out of your thoughts. It’s not personally you that’s causing any turbulence, it is a response to the energy field right now. Like interference in a radio wave. If you feel like boiling over emotionally with reaction today, bite your tongue and opt to ask yourself why you feel triggered. If you can’t pin point the reason, know it’s not you it’s someone / something interfering with your frequency. Combat it by saying something kind or nice even if the situation may not deserve it. There is some creepy shit lingering in the field recently, protect yourself by staying grounded and focused on kindness.