Using your intuition pick a crystal and scroll below to see what message it has for you.
Crystal 1
When you are seeking wisdom in your own truth, look at your life experiences as touch stones in the layers of your existence. You are being encouraged to look deeply at the wisdom you have gained through all your years. You're at a phase right now where you need to nurture yourself through the wisdom you have or what you can observe. If there are wounds you carry look within from your experience and find your nurturing nature and allow that knowledge of what to do to be trusted. Remember that just like this piece of petrified wood, your scars are beautiful and it makes you like no other. Perfect in your own way.
Crystal 2
This septarian is pure magic. Also known as dragon stone, the message for you is a match to your emotions. If you've been craving the fantasy to be invisible just for 5 minutes to catch a break from the chaos, or you may feel anxiety or pressures around you that you wish you could wrap yourself in a safe protective cloak and shield yourself from. You are being encouraged to take charge for a moment and align yourself to the opportunity to have some quiet time. Having a reset and taking your emotions out of the current reality to regenerate and refresh is an obligation you have to yourself.
Crystal 3
Green apophyllite is a master healer. Because this stone works so widely with the heart space it's naturally a vibration of energy we love. The message for you is about being drawn to learn about all the things. Whether you have taken on many tasks or are in this incredible urge to learn, your vibe matches the incredible powerful and loving vibration of green apophyllite. You are intuitively guiding yourself to look past your ego based fears that withhold you from your deepest desires. The healing or missing pieces in your life will come when you open your heart to follow your desires through.
Crystal 4
The stone that holds the validation of everlasting presence is validated through your choice of this stone. You are guided to the validation that you will have the follow through and courage to endure and face any obstacles. This iron pyrite is symbolic and known as the stone of the suns. You're being intuitively led to the knowledge that you have grown, and will keep growing. Although some days may seem dim, the sun will always shine and growth with be ever bearing. Iron pyrite vibrates at the frequency of protection and financial abundance. You chose this because your Spirit just wants you to know you will be okay. All shall be well.
Thank you all so much for taking part!!